⭐️ SPECIAL NIGHT DEDICATED TO THE LIFE OF TERRY HALL – the lead singer of The Specials (19 March 1959 – 18 December 2022) ⭐️
with the UK’s Premier Live 9-piece Tribute Band The Specials Ltd!
This special tribute will feature all The Specials hits including:
⭐️ Ghost Town
⭐️ Gangsters
⭐️ Too Much Too Young
⭐️ Rudi, A Message to you
⭐️ Do Nothing
and many more!
6pm – 8pm 2-TONE PARTY
Gig starts at 8pm with The Specials Ltd
Followed by a ‘2-TONE’ after party until late.
Food will be served from 6pm-8.30pm: Burger, Nachos, Hot Dogs, Chicken Nuggets and Fries
£1 of EVERY ticket purchased will be donated to Shrewsbury Food Hub and Shropshire Mental Health Support – the types of charities that were dear to Terry Hall’s heart RIP.
The Buttermarket
Howard St
Shrewsbury SY1 2LF
Shrewsbury SY1 2LF