⭐️ AC/DC drummer Chris Slade brings The Chris Slade Timeline to Shrewsbury as part of their UK Tour ⭐️
Former AC/DC drummer Chris Slade celebrates 50 years in rock music by bringing music to you from all era’s from his career. Chris Slade’s career started when he was 16 years old when he joined Tom Jones as his drummer.
Slade went on to play for a multitude of artists including Manfred Mann’s Earthband, Uriah Heep, The Firm, AC/DC, ASIA, MSG, Gary Moore, Gary Numan, David Gilmour.
PLUS SUPPORT from the awesome local Shropshire band The Bartells
6.30pm – 7.30pm ROCK PARTY
7.30pm The Bartells live on stage
Gig starts at 8.30pm with The Chris Slade Timeline
Followed by a ‘Rock After Party from 10.30pm until late.
The Buttermarket
Howard St
Shrewsbury SY1 2LF
Shrewsbury SY1 2LF